About Us
SARECO.org is a database for information on collaborative research between Switzerland and African countries. We do not offer own funding, but we can help you during your search for research partners, collaborative institutions or funding instruments.
Swiss and African researchers have been working together for a long time. In 2007, the governments of South Africa and Switzerland signed an agreement for the implementation of joint research work. In 2012, the Swiss government decided to continue its work with South Africa and, in addition, to extend the cooperation network to further partner countries in Africa. Seed money grants were made available to kick-start research work.
The establishment of the SARECO database underpins this very idea of bringing early career scientists (PHDs and Postdoc researchers) together and to create a framework for exchange about funding instruments and project success stories, inviting peers to follow and by that to grow the Swiss – African research network.
To take part in our program Sign Up here, or Contact Us directly.
Download the printable Postcard
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Leading House for Research Collaboration
with Sub-Saharan Africa
The Swiss TPH, supported by the University of Basel, is the Leading House for bilateral research collaboration with partner institutions in the sub-Saharan African region. Mandated by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) in 2017, the Leading House Basel promotes and fosters scientific cooperation with key institutions in sub-Saharan Africa for the funding period 2017–2020. Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya and Uganda have been designated the key countries to strengthen cooperation during this phase, in addition to intensifying the ties with Côte d’Ivoire, South Africa and Tanzania.
To take up contact with SARECO partners please follow this link.
SARECO complies with the 11 Principles
of transboundary and intercultural research in partnership.