SNIS Annual Call for Projects


The Call offers project grants for pluri-disciplinary teams working on international studies (see below). The SNIS supports pluri-disciplinary projects in the social sciences and pluri-disciplinary projects that combine natural and social sciences. The SNIS does not support pluri-disciplinary projects that only consist of natural sciences. The SNIS does not fund individual grants, i.e., career grants.

Projects must run for two years, and funding can range from 100’000 to 300’000 Swiss francs.

There are two thematic branches of the Call:
• The general Call: in any area of International Studies as defined above;
• Theme 2020 defined by the SNIS International Geneva Committee: ‘What promising new forms of global governance and cooperation in response to the changed geopolitical order? Opportunities and challenges for non-state actors.’

There is no quota for the general Call or the annual theme, i.e., applicants have no statistical advantage when submitting to either branch.

The call is organized as a two step process: in a first phase, researchers submit short pre-proposals that are reviewed by the SNIS scientific committee. Following this pre-selection about 20 teams are invited to submit full proposals. In this second round the success rate is about 40%. For an overview of the procedure please refer to the graphic below:


List of qualifying institutions to submit project proposals to the SNIS



Database Details

Current Research
Valueworks: Effects of Financialization along the Copper Value Chain

Over the last 15 years, Switzerland has emerged as a major global commodity-trading hub. Swiss traders take an intermediary position in commodity chains; they connect markets, influence the pricing process and, unintentionally, change the life-worlds o …

Thematic Focus
Agriculture, Biodiversity and Sustainability, Digital Communication / ICTs, Governance and Accountability, Knowledge Production and Transfer, Life Sciences and Health, Mobility and Migration, Open Topic, Peace and Security, Poverty Reduction

Applicant’s Country

Allowed Usage

Applicant’s Position

Cycle Type
Repeated annually

Partner Required

22. January 2020
Last Modification
15. April 2020