Academy 2030

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Academy 2030 – Partnerships for transformative knowledge and policy is a Consortium for Education and Research (COFER) funded by the swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network (SUDAC). The consortium engages in collaborative research between five Swiss higher education institutions and two partner institutions from Kenya and Ethiopia with a focus on education and the UN 2030 Agenda.

Academy 2030 offers opportunities to learn about sustainable development and interactions between selected SDGs and their targets in Kenya and Ethiopia. We take advantage of existing knowledge and data on topics related to “Good Health and Well-Being”, “Life on Land”, and “Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions” (SDGs 3, 15, and 16) to highlight interactions between their targets in real-world case studies. To deepen and test your knowledge on sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda, Academy 2030 offers a digital playground with quizzes and open questions as well as data and literature repositories for advanced reading and analyses.

The platform targets a broad range of users – e.g. students, teachers, decision-makers, as well as interested actors – to learn about sustainable development concepts and the 2030 Agenda. Through embedment and integration of their own expertise, users can advance their knowledge as well as improve communication and teaching of their topics in the context of sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda.

Contact point is the Centre for Development and Environment CDE at the University of Bern.

Competence Centre or Archive

East Africa

Officially based in:
Switzerland, Ethiopia, Kenya

Contact Details