TAFIRI – Tanzanian Fisheries Research Institute

The following funding instruments of TAFIRI – Tanzanian Fisheries Research Institute are listed in the database: 
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Fish and fishery products: quality, standards and marketing

In order to improve quality, standards and hence values of fish and fisheries products,  research is required to find ways that can address the existing challenges faced by operators
Aquatic ecosystems and Biodiversity
Human activities (such as illegal fishing methods/gears, poor agricultural practices, mining, deforestation, biomass burning) and natural processes have an impact on sustainability of aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, research is needed to understand their current status, and how human activities and natural processes may affect ecosystem components, structure and functioning in the future in order to devise mitigation measures.

Climate change and environment
Climate change has significant impacts on aquatic ecosystems. It modifies biological, chemical and physical conditions in the marine and freshwater, which affects the sustainability of human uses of aquatic resource. Consequently, research is needed for better understanding, detecting, and forecasting changes and providing scientific information for developing mitigation strategies. 

Capture fishery

Capture fisheries resource are highly diverse and their sustainability depend on responsible management decisions based on the best scientific information available. To arrive to the best scientific advice, a number of researches in the EEZ, territorial waters, rivers, large and small water bodies (including satellite lakes) are required. This encompasses the status of fish stocks which include their biology and ecology, exploitation patterns, gears and methods used
With increasing fishing pressure and declining fish catches in the wild stocks, attention is now turned into developing aquaculture systems capable of meeting demand of growing human population. Therefore, there is a need to carry out research on the development of high efficiency and environmental friendly culture technology and identify new species that can be efficiently cultured
Fisheries management encompasses a number of socio-economic factors which impact the validity and effectiveness of the best scientific advises. Consequently, understanding the socio-economic aspects of the fishery and how are linked to the overall policies and fisheries management measures is very essential. Also the contribution of fisheries in the national economy and food security is under reported due to inadequate socio-economic information and research. Sustainability of fisheries resource is influenced by socio-economic as well as politics.

Research and Teaching Institution

East Africa

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Contact Details

(+255) 22 265 0043