Developing joint research proposals in media & communication in various topics, e.g. “effectiveness of farmer communication”
“The Sabbatical of Christoph Spurk is used to develop various research proposals jointly with Kenyan researchers (Prof. Wambui Kiai and Dr. George Nyabuga) and make them ready for submission to donors.
The idea is also to establish research cooperation in media and communication research between the Swiss Institute of Applied Media Studies (ZHAW) and the School of Journalism and Mass Communication of University of Nairobi. Both institutions aim at establishing trans disciplinary research, i.e. research that is useful for societal groups in developing countries.
The stay in Nairobi offers the opportunity to engage with societal stakeholders in a systematic way and raise their interest in this kind of research.
IAM has already conducted various research projects in the area and thus knows the large need for similar projects and advancing useful knowledge for stakeholders.
This kind of preparation work is conducive for success in submitting research proposals.”
“IAM has conducted a highly acknowledged research on farmer communication in Kenya. International stakeholders encouraged us to go into more details about the effectiveness of communication regarding adoption of agricultural innovation. There is high interest in this kind of research by international agricultural research centres, based in Nairobi, because the aim at higher adoption rates for the innovations developed by them. These are for example the International Livestock Research Institute, the Center for Tropical Agriculture, or the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).
Based on our research experience in the region (see CV) other areas of research are feasible and as well of practical interest from media houses, training institutions and the government, for example research on
• The influence of mobile phones on communication and journalism about specific topics (Health, Policy)
• Media use and audience assessment in Kenya: rural vs. urban areas, young vs. elder people
• Quality in radio broadcasting in local language radios
• Development of science journalism and science communication
Results can be useful for media houses with regard to improving the quality of journalism, which is an essential element to promote development goals and public debate.
The objective is to develop at least three different research proposals in different areas.”
ChristophSpurk, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) Institute of Applied Media Studies (IAM)
GeorgeNyabuga, University of Nairobi, School of Journalism and Mass Communication