Topic Selector for Funding Instruments


Knowledge Production and Transfer

Social Sciences, Education, Humanities, Anthropology, Religions, History, Media Sciences, Libraries and Archives
Agriculture and Sustainability

Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Food Security, Fishery, Forestry, Land Usage, Geography, Biology
Life Sciences and Health

Medicine, Pharmacy, Public Health, Physical Education/Sports, Prevention, Molecular Biology, Host-Parasite Interactions

Digital Communication / ICTs

Information Technologies, Mobile Applications, Communication, Marketing, Media Sciences, Network Infrastructure

Governance and Accountability

Political Sciences, Democratization, Economics, Leadership Training, Anti-Corruption, Social Systems, Labour Rights

Mobility and Migration

Sociology, Transportation, Infrastructure, Urban Studies, International Law, Human Rights, Integration, Linguistics
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Open Topic

Open to all researchers; E.g. Interdisciplinary Sciences, Public-Private Partnerships, Developmental Cooperation

Peace and Security

Human Rights, Political Sciences, Democratization, Crisis Intervention, Diplomacy, Conflict Prevention and Resolution
A view inside Abu Shouk Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camp's Women Center, in North Darfur, Sudan, where classes are offered in Arabic, the Koran and Mathematics. Approximately 80 women attend the classes, usually taking their children along with them.

Poverty Reduction

Education, Public Health, Microfinancing, Developmental Cooperation, Food Security, Infrastructure