FAQ Quick Instructions


Thank you for your registration on SARECO.org | Swiss-African Research Cooperation.
You can change your personal information and general settings following this link.

Please note, that you only obtain access rights to enter and edit content, once an administrator has confirmed you as an author.

Your current membership status is:

You are not allowed yet to conduct any changes on the database.
An E-Mail requesting your status change has been sent to the administrator. You can reapply, using this link.

Standard Procedure for entering content

Please register new database entries in this order: Institution > Fund > Project

  1. If your Institution does not exist already, add it to the database by filling out submission form #1.
  2. Once your institution has appeared in the list, add the Funding Instruments, that your institution offers using submission form #2.
  3. Add Researcher Profiles or Project Profiles (“Stories“) and link them up to your institution or funding instruments using submission form #3.
    Also other members will be able to link their profiles to your institution and your funding instruments.

If you fill out the forms in a different order, you will have to set the relations between the entries (e.g. linking a fund to an institution) at a later step using the edit-function.